cidades grandes

Growing food

Planting, recycling and composting my personal waste have been part of my routine in my home Pipa (Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil) a beautiful natural environment, so it was also natural for me to look for local resources to start planting and composting in the UK, where I moved to in january this year.

I just did not expect that this would be the axis of my personal diasporic healing. Re-insert this time and space for a cooperation with earth, re-signify ancestral technologies in daily routine, a real opportunity to create a micro-health-resistance.

Our failing and cruel food production system have just collapsed, highly dependable of massive trans-national transport systems, data colonialism (the use of big data and investment funds at peripheric countries) and most violent practices regarding not only nature but the “use” of other earthly species that evidently contribute or degenerate our environments in the interactions between our lives. Migrating from the slavery of human beings to the use of very specialized tools to control animals, and deep nature.

Researches in Brazil and in the world are analyzing the spread of the Coronavirus from bats to vulnerable porks in granjas (that suffer high doses of antibiotic and other hormones) and then to humans. This is what science was supposed to be researching, says Preciado, also stating at a recent publication Learning from the virus:

“Corporal immunity is not a a mere biological fact independent from cultural e political variables. It is just the opposite, what we understand as immunity is socially constructed by social and political criteria that produces alternatively sovereignty or exclusion, protection or stigma, life or death.”

To grow your own food, respect our environments, put love on them, is a key tool we have to change our individual and collective worlds, and build planetary immunity.

Um mundo em que se caibam muitos mundos!

Experiments March 2020 – Liverpool

After finding out after a lot of digging that our soil is made from ruble and clay from surrounding constructions 🙁 we decided to look for alternatives and wrote a Letter to our neighbors asking for the collection of their food waste. The idea is to try to regenerate this soil. Lots of fires will follow 🙂

Vegan Letter – Jen
Recuperating soil – need tips!

Collaboration with the Wearables Tech Group (Does Liverpool) on natural dying (using plants for painting, biomaterials etc).

Seringueira - Natural rubber
Seringueira – Natural rubber

Project to be develop –seedsofculture

Further reading

From the Furtherfield community a list of a growing food resources.


Essential reading on biopolitics “Aprendendo com o virus

Paul Preciado


The Universal Right to Breathe

Achille Mbembe


Research links industrial production of animals

Novas pesquisas sugerem que a criação industrial de animais, e não os mercados úmidos, pode ser a origem do Covid-19

Ecología y pandemia por Guillermo Cichello “Talvez a escassa divulgacao das indagacoes serias sobre a origem da pandemia forme parte do mesmo dispositivo de pensamento e acao que disparou a propagacao desse virus”

Fazenda Anarquista

Capitalist agriculture and Covid-19: A deadly combination

Capitalist agriculture and Covid-19: A deadly combination

Coronavirus might have come from our predatory agrofinantial model

Coronavírus pode ter surgido do modelo predatório do agronegócio, diz estudo